Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Love is KIND

In prayer each morning ask God to give you an opportunity to be kind to family, friends or co-workers. It is amazing what will happen.

In going into several websites for random acts of kindness I found so many ideas that I plan to implement. My list will be different from yours, but you get the idea, do something that is positive and kind. You will be reflecting the love of your heavenly Father by your words and actions. Never expect a thank you for your kindness, just knowing that you pleased God is satisfying in itself.

Here is my short list:

*write a letter to someone who has made a difference in your life
*be generous with compliments
*donate to your church's food pantry
*send a thank your note or cookies to your local policemen, fire department, and/or mail carrier
*leave a generous tip
*send an e-card to brighten someone's day
*bake a cake and bring it to a retirement center

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